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Anne Lene Johnsen
Likes books, cats, nature, tea AND coffee and a good laugh.
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About Anne Lene

Anne Lene (that is, me, but texts like this should be in the third person, so I therefore in this text I am "she") became known as the "IQ lady" in Dagbladet Magasinet's Saturday edition, where she had her own popular science column for several years. She has later been a columnist in Dagbladet's Friday column "The Expert" and is part of the "Expert Panel" in the weekly magazine Allers, where she writes about and answers questions in the field of mental health. She is also a regular guest with Easter puzzles on Radio P4 every Easter, and is often used as a source in other media.

She has published a good number of books to date, including the super bestseller Hvordan fatte matte (How to grasp math, Panta, 2017/Alven 2021), Den store julekalenderboka (The big book of advent calendars, Bonnier, 2024) for everyone who likes the Christmas spirit and giving gifts, and a fun quiz book that is suitable for everyone who doesn't really think they know that much. She has also published several brain teaser books at Kagge Publishing, including the bestseller Barnas store IQ-bok (The Children's big book of IQ, 2007) and Mer moro med matte (More math fun, 2011), as well as the popular science book Slik blir du mer intelligent (How to become more intelligent, 2009) where she writes about how to make your head work better. In 2010, she helped start the health magazine Helsemagasinet, where she was co-editor for several years and is now a professional journalist on topics within psychology and mental health.

In addition to writing books and articles, she gives lectures and organizes courses and is a mentor for other authors who have good things on their hearts.

AnneLene holds a degree in Business Administration/MBM from Oslo School of Economics/BI (1993) with a specialization in entrepreneurship and information work. She also has a bachelor's degree in addiction psychology from Argosy University, USA (2013), as well as subjects from master's studies in cognitive neuroscience at the University of Oslo and a quarter of a doctorate in social psychology from Walden University. She has taken tons of courses on writing, communication, marketing, storytelling, more writing, presentation techniques, sales, how to run a business, and even more writing.

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